I, for one, would like to truly show my thanks to my wife and my child, for putting up with me and my antics! We had to have lunch/dinner at our house this year with just the 3 of us because Lily has an ear infection and I have a snuffly nose. That’s OK! Katherine had us buy a fresh (not frozen) turkey the other day and that bad boy cooked up in 2 hours and 15 minutes flat! Needless to say, it had some counter time to “mature” while Katherine made us some wonderful sides, i.e. shredded beet sautee with apples, delicious – no MSG – stuffing, and Italian green beans. It was all very tasty! Oh, what? I forgot to mention desert? Why, yes, my wife also baked both, a pecan pie and a pumpkin (no, scratch that, Paula Deen calls it a Thanksgiving) pie. Good work to all on this day’s work! I’m taking a few days off to enjoy this meal.